Monday, April 8, 2013

Day 8 #HAWMC Hemophilia and Cobra Snakes

Today's challenge is: "if your health condition was an animal what would it be?"

I asked Jackson, since it's his disease and he came up with a rant of about every animal you could find at the zoo. I then asked him how the animals are like hemophilia...and he just moved on...just like a 5 year old does!

So I was thinking about how, for us, hemophilia is just in the background. Unless it's an infusion day which is Tuesday and Friday or ... he has a bleed. And the bleed can happen out of no where...that's probably the most frustrating part of hemophilia. And that's why I pick a cobra. The cobra lies silently and waits, as does hemophilia, and strikes at the most in-opportune time. Perhaps while on vacation,  at a birthday party, on your way out the door, at a clinic visit (yes, this has happened to us!), just about any time you don't want to deal with a bleed. And sometimes a bleed can be just as deadly as say a cobra bite. But you deal with the situation, you factor up and move on. are always aware the cobra is there, it doesn't stop you from living but you know it can strike at any moment.

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