Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Day 9 #HAWMC: Caregiving

As a caregiver to three kids with chronic illnesses it can be a little overwhelming. Today's post asks as a parent to children with health conditions, what do you hope your doing right? uh...EVERYTHING!!

I, unfortunately, am NOT perfect so I know I'm screwing something up...that's what therapy is for!! No, but really...I try my hardest. My hubby tries his hardest. And we just DO. We do what we need to do to keep all three kids healthy and most importantly...ALIVE.

I do hope that I am teaching them the skills they need to take care of themselves. Not on their own...yet. But building confidence in themselves. So that when they do go off on their own or I'm not right there they have the confidence and skills needed to take care of a medical situation if needed.

I hope I am giving them a sense of how important it is to advocate for themselves in any situation. To talk about their medical condition to the teachers at school. The school nurse. To lawmakers. They have a voice and they CAN make a difference. If nothing else they have been to enough meetings with all kinds of people with me and have heard what I talk about, how passionate I am and what I want for each of them.

I hope that they learn compassion. Hemophilia and Diabetes are invisible chronic illnesses. In dealing with their illnesses and knowing that just because you can't see it doesn't mean you aren't hurting helps them compassion towards others who may be suffering silently.

I hope that I've empowered them to live. Not to be afraid. Not to be limited. But to take what they have and say, yep, I've got that (hemophilia/diabetes) but it doesn't have me. I want them to enjoy life not wish they could have done something.

So to answer "what do you hope your doing right?"....EVERYTHING!

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